ImgFloat - 1. An Overview

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ImgFloat is a tool meant to be utilized as an addon to Mouser's Screenshot Captor, which can be downloaded from the DonationCoder web site ( Screenshot Captor is an excellent tool for taking screenshots, which I’ve used to great effect for years. It contains a ton of features. But one feature that I didn’t even realize that it was mssing until recently was the ability to float the screenshot after it was taken. Lately, I’ve been using my MacBook more, and came across an application ScreenFloat. It’s not a full featured as Screenshot Captor, but the ability to float the section that you’ve just taken a screenshot of in a transparent window has a multitude of uses.

So, for NANY 2014, I’ve decided to create a tool that can be called by Screenshot Captor to float the just taken image in a transparent window.

This has many use cases. Do you need to compare prices on websites? Why keep tabs open then put them in different windows? Take a shot of the best price, and keep browsing with it sitting off to the side. If you find a better deal, take another shot and keep going. Or in prototyping- the ability to see your older work along side your current screen is invaluable, I've found. There are several other uses for which I'm sure it can be utilized.

There are several features already implemented:

  • There is a stub application so a new instance of ImgFloat isn't lauched each time, speeding up the time to see your shot.
  • The application can be used to view any image in a transparent overlay- not just those from SSC.
  • Currently supports GIF, PNG, and JPG
  • Allows the user to change the opacity of the window
  • Can be run portably
  • Can be disabled without changing settings in SSC
  • Can be set to keep the tray icon up, or close after each use.
  • Allows the user to select whether to stretch the image
  • Current image can be frozen in the window, so that other captures can be done without losing the current image.

I have two other features that I want to implement: a hotkey for bringing the screen to the foreground, and the ability to toggle the screen to always on top. But I'm glad to have any suggestions from users. In fact, a lot of the features and tweaks are suggestions from users of the software.

More information, including a copy of this help file is located at

Note that if you paid money for this software, ask for it back!