5. Skyrim Character Manager - Advanced Operations and Appendix

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This section contains documentation on the advanced functions that were not covered in the other areas of the documentation. It also includes the Appendix with Change Log and Road Map for future development.

Right Click File Management

Each of the file tabs has a right click menu to allow operations to be performed on individual files. The operations in the menu are the same as clicking the button, other than the fact that they work on one file at a time. Of note, on the Backup tab, you can actually restore a backup file- this copies it to the active directory. Note that the restore and delete operations always ask if you wish to overwrite/delete, no matter what your settings are.


  • Version 1.0 - Initial Release


  1. Add option to close application when launching Skyrim.
  2. Add section for Notes
  3. Make the Gender a choice instead of free text
  4. Make Race a dropdown choice instead of free text
  5. Add facility to check for new versions
  6. Add a better way to report errors